What are you prepared to do?! (cue Sean Connery)
Business success requires you to get down in the dirt and fight. It’s not theory in a business book. It’s day to day, minute to minute, choices.
Your “non” choices can hurt you even more than your active choices. “Decision by not deciding” is usually more deadly than making a wrong choice. Unfortunately, it’s not all that uncommon. There are no points in life for “not deciding” your way into a mess, but we often treat the messy results as “not my fault” because we didn’t actively choose our path.
So what are you prepared to do?! (Feel free to re-enact Sean Connery saying this line in The Untouchables. It will make you smile.)
1. What are the five most important things you need to do to immediately impact your success?
2. What are the five problems/situations/people you’ve been dodging/ignoring/sweeping under the rug?
3. What are five things you’re currently doing that aren’t driving revenue/creating the change you want but still need to get done? Can you delegate them, minimize them, automate them?
Taking Action:
Sit down for 15 minutes. Make the lists. Title them: Do, Deal With, Delegate. (I’m hoping you can tell which is which!). They don’t have to be perfect. They do have to be items that would have significant impact on your business revenue/project success/ enjoyment of life.
Next Step:
Do, deal with or delegate one thing on each list. Right now. Yes, now.
No, not next week. Not when your horoscope suggests you turn over a new leaf. Not after American Idol. Now.
And decide which thing you will Do, Deal With or Delegate tomorrow.
Eliot Ness and Jim Malone would be proud of you. Remember, the “perfect” solution isn’t always possible. They got Al Capone on Tax Evasion, not murder. But they did what they had to do! And don’t bring a knife to a gun fight!
Need a reminder of what a blood oath is? Watch here.

Have you gotten our copy of “Reading the Terrain” yet? Its a great way to speed read a company, either a new one you may be considering working with or even the one you’re at right now. Its free, click here.