Jeanne Goldie’s Ten Rules for Starting an Organizational Turnaround. And a bonus.
- Know if you’re an Aspirin or a Vitamin.
- What you Knew on the Very First Day is What you Need to Know Now.
- Weigh the Opportunity Cost.
- Do the Math – Follow the Money.
- Find your Allies.
- Build a Measuring Stick.
- Locate the Elephants.
- Understand the Art, Science and Use of Duct Tape.
- Change Does Not Occur in a Vacuum.
- Communicate and Celebrate the Victories – even the small ones.
+ The Super Top Secret extra rule you always need to know from the beginning!
We’ll drill down on each of these over the next ten days, and share lots more info on the details over the next few weeks. Looking forward to your comments.

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