Speed Read your Work Environment, Today
Ever think you might be missing the forest for the trees? Once you’re immersed in an organizational culture, you sometimes don’t even notice the quirks or unique habits of your environment.
What’s funny is that on the very first day you worked in the new environment you may have even spotted some key takeaways, but most likely you didn’t fully process them or act upon them. (Okay, you may have slightly tweaked the way you dress but that’s usually about it for most people).
Our Free “Field Guide” gives you some key questions to help widen your view beyond your department or division. It covers topics as diverse as “Power Players” “Who’s Buying, Who’s Paying, Who’s Watching”, “Revenue Streams” “People Culture” “Technology” “Bomb Dropping” and many other areas that help you truly understand the big picture.
You can get the guide for free, just sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter here. We won’t mail bomb you, or share your email address. You’ll get a copy of the guide and our weekly updates of new articles.
Here’s a sample section:
Radioactive Fallout (aka “We tried that before” or “Previous Adventures in Change”)
- What other change initiatives have been tried recently? Are any similar to what you have planned?
- What were the results? Did anything actually change?
- What were the other consequences of the change; were there layoffs, staff cutbacks, staff reorganizations?
- Is “Change for Change’s Sake” a regular occurrence? How seriously is it taken?
- Does the team have a “set point?” a behavior or path of action they consistently revert back to when there is a problem with a change strategy or when the official “change period” is over?
- How quickly does the team come up with “workarounds” to avoid dealing with change? Is this the normal pattern?
- What is the persistent story around change in this organization (i.e. “Always leads to layoffs” “ Screws everything up and then they go back to how it was” “Another round of idiot consultants here to make money and make us miserable” )
- Does the culture favor real change or does it prefer band aids, quick fixes, and fluff (aka lots of marketing and branding fury signifying nothing).
If you don’t know where or what the “Elephants and Sacred Cows” are at your office, do yourself a favor and grab the guide.

It’s Free, and it will take 30 seconds of your time. I guarantee it will open your eyes to at least one thing you may not have considered before.
And if you have a friend struggling at work, make their day better and forward this link to them!